Saturday, August 20, 2005

on the limits of leadership...

Tonight I leave for my first Wexner Graduate Fellowship institute, which means flying from Jerusalem tonight (through Newark) to Stowe, Vermont. We'll spend five days in the mountains together, praying, learning, thinking, arguing, and building community (which is really just another way of saying the first four things, right?).

This posting is short because I haven't quite finished packing.... But please take a moment to read the d'var Torah I am giving on Monday morning to my class (XVIII) of Wexner fellows.

Drop me a line and let me know what you think, too -- these things should always be the beginning of a conversation, not the end!

Shabbat shalom and shavua tov,

1 comment:

Karen said...

Yasher koach chevruta! Have fun in VT!