Saturday, August 13, 2005

Holy Limericks

In the early 17th Century, John Donne wrote a cycle of 19 Holy Sonnets (which I cannot recommend highly enough!) about his relationship to God, Christianity, and the world. Desiring to emulate his pious poetic project (though about Judaism, of course, in my case), but finding the sonnet too lengthy and inaccessible for our (post)modern sensibilities, I am undertaking to create a cycle of Holy Limericks: bite-size doses of religious pith. Here is the first, which came to me in the wake of a stimulating class discussion about the relationship between autonomy, obligation, law, Torah, mitzvot, and community.

If your sense of self-rule should feel frozen,
And the fence around Torah should close in;
If you find that the Law
Should get stuck in your craw,
Then consider: you choose to be Chosen.


Adam said...

Absolute brilliant! Can we share it with

Anonymous said...

Only you, David, would write holy limericks... :-)