Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Two poems

Both of these are based on parts of the Jewish liturgy: Emet V'yatziv declares the truth of God's greatness and praises God for redeeming us from Egyptian bondage; the Mi Shebeirach asks God to grant physical and spiritual healing upon our loved ones. Here are two poetic interpretations of those prayers.

* * *

Mi Shebeirach?

for Leslie Simmons

“Why bother”
___he didn’t ask but simply stated
resigned at her bedside
“I believe
with perfect faith in
the Doctors and in
the Medicines, their Messengers,
God listens (or not)
but it doesn’t help, so
Why bother”

“Trust me”
___she didn’t simply state but asked
“I believe
It helps”

his hands clasped
___around her hand
his head bowed
___over her breast:

prayer enough for her.
* * *

Emet V’Yatziv
a Sonnet

Enduring, Good, Miraculous, and Right
Is this eternal teaching of our flock:
Our God is Sov’reign, Shield, Redeemer, Rock,
Deliverer from Egypt’s callous might.
Now scientific logic would reject
That God abides, endures, exists at all:
“Forget the Exodus – that tale is tall,
A fantasy of some deluded sect.”
While reason has its place in human life,
And plays a healthy academic role,
It fails to elevate a person’s soul,
Or offer hope in anguish, love in strife.
Where science – dumbstruck – stalls, this Truth resounds;
With psalms of thanks and praise our prayer abounds.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


After a long hiatus, I return by posting a link to my friend Sean's blog. Sean is married to one of my classmates, and he has taken it upon himself to do a weekly podcast with various members of the HUC community, just chatting about various issues and current events. There's some interesting stuff in it and some really good laughs, if I may say so myself...

So if you have 55 minutes to kill, or just want to listen for a little while:

Sean's blog (click the link under the February 7 entry)
Direct link to our podcast or upload it directly to iTunes